Love People. Like Things.

a blog about all the people i love, and all the things i like.

Proud as a Peacock August 1, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — lindsayt85 @ 12:34 pm

Today, at the end of a very busy (and beautiful) wedding weekend for the newest Mr. and Mrs. Isham, Josh made his debut on the Southside Fellowship stage with the band. My sweet husband with a huge heart is also a pretty cool rockstar too 🙂

He really was a rockstar of sorts ‘back in the day’, and ‘on the local scene’. Although, I have to admit being 9 years younger, I had never heard of his awesome band. These days, he’s not rocking out at the Handlebar or House of Blues, but in front of a decent sized congregation, doing 3 shows a day when he’s on the lineup, for our church, Southside Fellowship. I think this is a way cooler gig because it’s all for a larger purpose- praising and worshiping our God. Today, as I was watching him play drums and be a part of the leadership of corporate worship through singing, and also watching the congregation actively worshiping in response to the music being played- my eyes got misty and my heart welled up with pride.

That is MY MAN up there. That’s the man that I get to call my husband. And I get to be his wife. How on earth did I get picked for this? I am so thankful that I get to spend the rest of my life watching this man grow in Christ and continue to lead people to Him, whether it be through relationship or keeping the beat and cranking up the jams at church.

I know I’m probably slightly biased because I’m married to him, but I do know what good music sounds like and how these songs were supposed to go- and just let me be the first to tell you- MY HUSBAND did a great job and I can’t wait to see what’s yet to come.

I LOVE my Josh. And I LOVE that he LOVES Jesus.


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